Man Care

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Makardhwaj Ras

Makardhwaj Ras

Rs. 400.00 – Rs. 1,950.00
Ingredients: Swarna (स्वर्ण) Shuddha Parad (शुध्ध पारद) Shuddha Gandhak (शुध्ध गंधक) Processed with: Kapas (कपास) Ghrit Kumari (घृत कुमारी) Useful As: Aphrodisiac (कामोत्तेजक) Sex Tonic (सेक्स टॉनिक) General Tonic (टॉनिक)...
Vajitone Capsule

Vajitone Capsule

Rs. 200.00 – Rs. 1,950.00
Useful as Aphrodisiac Useful in Erectile Dysfunction Sexual Debility Infertility Premature Ejaculation General Weakness Increases vigour & vitality Helps Improving Sperm Quality and Quantity Dose 1 to 2 capsules once...
Ashwagandhadi Lehya

Ashwagandhadi Lehya

Rs. 160.00
Useful as Tonic Rejuvenator Aphrodisiac Useful in General Weakness Weight Loss Erectile Dysfunction Dose 1 Tablespoon once or twice a day
Ashwagandha Ghrita

Ashwagandha Ghrita

Rs. 270.00 – Rs. 1,250.00
Useful as Aphrodisiac Tonic Useful in Neurological System Care Sexual Debility Loss of Libido General Weakness Infertility Premature Ejaculation Dose 1 to 2 Tablespoon twice or thrice a day