Vati ( Tablet )

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Gandharva Haritaki Tablet

Gandharva Haritaki Tablet

Rs. 160.00 – Rs. 740.00
Ingredients: Himaj (हिमज) Erand Tail (एरंड तैल) Useful As: Laxative (रेचक) Useful In: Constipation (कब्ज) Piles (बवासीर)
Gaumutra Haritaki Tablet

Gaumutra Haritaki Tablet

Rs. 180.00 – Rs. 720.00
Useful in Ascites Constipation Gas Dose 2 to 4 Tablets to be taken at night at bed time with water
Harde Tablet

Harde Tablet

Rs. 130.00 – Rs. 700.00
Useful as Rasayan – Rejuvenator Useful in Constipation Dose 2 to 4 Tablets to be taken at night at bed time with water
Shiva Gutika

Shiva Gutika

Rs. 130.00 – Rs. 760.00
Useful in Constipation Dose 2 to 4 Tablets to be taken at night at bed time with water
Triphala Tablet

Triphala Tablet

Rs. 130.00 – Rs. 760.00
Useful as Tonic Rasayan Mild Laxative An excellent Tonic for eyes Useful in Constipation Eye Diseases Skin Diseases Dose 2 to 4 Tablets to be taken at night at bed...