CategoriesIndigestion Vati

Revitalize Your Digestive System with Gandharva Haritaki’s Gentle Healing

The food we eat is the main source of all our energy. And our digestive system is the cornerstone of our complete health. If the digestive system works perfectly, we feel energized, capable, and ready to face life’s challenges. But, if the digestive system is not working properly, we feel lethargic and miserable for the whole day. We live such fast-paced lives that our digestive systems often bear the brunt of all the stress, poor dietary choices, and environmental damage. What we need is a comprehensive solution for our digestive troubles. This is where Gandharva Haritaki can help. It is an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion that offers gentle yet powerful support to the digestive system, improving our overall health and vitality.

Gandharva Haritaki Composition

The ingredients in Gandharva Haritaki are Himaj or Haritaki and Erand Taila. To make Gandharva Haritaki, Himaj is processed in Erand Taila. 

Himaj / Haritaki

Haritaki is a powerful rejuvenating and regenerative herb with multiple benefits for health. It detoxifies the body, enhances digestion, strengthens immunity, and promotes longevity and vitality.

Erand Taila

Erand taila or Castor oil is a well-known laxative. It helps relieve constipation and supports digestive health.

How the Digestive System Works

To understand how Gandharva Haritaki supports digestion, it is essential to understand how our body’s digestive system works. The digestive system is a complex network of organs that helps break down the food we eat and convert it into energy. Moreover, it helps the body to absorb the nutrients in the food. It also helps eliminate the waste from the body. Thus, it plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the body.


Sadly though, various internal and external factors like sedentary lifestyles, stress, anxiety, processed food, and an imbalanced diet disrupt the delicate balance of the body. This leads to different digestive troubles like bloating, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, gas, and indigestion. Gandharva Haritaki, when taken in the right dosage, can balance all three doshas and help maintain the equilibrium of the digestive system.

How Gandharva Haritaki Supports Digestive Health

Ayurveda says that our body works perfectly when the three doshas in the body, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are balanced. And all the problems in the body result from an imbalance in the doshas. Gandharva Haritaki cleanses, rejuvenates, and nurtures the body while addressing digestive imbalances. Here’s a look at how it soothes gastrointestinal discomfort and supports digestive health:

Relieves Constipation

Haritaki helps keep the motion soft and loose, facilitating strain-free evacuation. Due to its mild laxative properties, it is considered an effective Ayurvedic medicine for Constipation.

Cleanses the Digestive Tract

As they say, a clean bowel is the key to a healthy life. Haritaki is rich in dietary fibers which helps in cleansing the bowel effectively.

Gently Detoxifies the Body

Gandharva haritaki is also a gentle cleanser. It cleanses and detoxifies the body by removing accumulated toxins. This Tridoshik Rasayan is also rich in antioxidants which help in purifying the blood.

Balances Digestive Fire

Haritaki is also known to stimulate the Jatharagni or Digestive Fire. It kindles digestive fire, increases nutrient absorption, and improves digestion. It is considered one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for constipation.

Soothes Gastrointestinal Discomfort

Gandharva Haritaki also has restorative and rejuvenating properties. When you experience gastrointestinal problems like piles or discomfort in the intestinal walls, it can offer a healing touch. It promotes natural healing in the erosive condition of the intestinal walls and is an Ayurvedic cure for piles. 

This gentle healing remedy provides relief from common digestive problems while nourishing the body.

Other Benefits of Gandharva Haritaki

Other than healing gastrointestinal problems, Gandharva Haritaki is also beneficial for many other ailments. Here are some other benefits of consuming Gandharva Haritaki tablets regularly:

  1. Strengthens the Immune System
  2. Restorative and Rejuvenating
  3. Relieves Cough
  4. Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels
  5. Helps in Weight Management
  6. Promotes Blood Circulation

How to Use Gandharva Haritaki?

Adding Gandharva Haritaki to your daily routine is pretty simple. While you can take it in any form, Punarvasu’s Gandharva Haritaki tablet is easier for daily consumption. Simply take 2 to 4 tablets at night before bedtime with water. While this healing remedy is usually well-tolerated, it is still advisable to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before integrating it into your routine, especially if you’re pregnant, nursing, or have any other health conditions.



In a world inundated with synthetic remedies and quick fixes, Gandharva Haritaki offers a refreshing alternative rooted in Ayurvedic wisdom. By nurturing the body’s innate ability to heal and thrive, this gentle yet powerful herbal formula revitalizes your digestive system and helps you attain optimal health and vitality. With Punarvasu’s insistence on quality, transparency, and tradition, our Ayurvedic Medicines are the best companions in your path to wellness. Embrace the gentle healing of Gandharva Haritaki and embark on a journey towards digestive wellness.

CategoriesIndigestion Vati

Take Care of Your Gut Health & Digestive Disorders with Maha Shankha Vati

It is often said that peace in the stomach means peace in the head. A happy and healthy stomach does mean a peaceful night’s sleep, especially in today’s world full of digestive issues. Digestive Disorders are increasingly common in today’s world. They affect millions of people worldwide, making them spend more time worrying about their stomachs than doing other important things. From occasional indigestion and gas to chronic conditions like acidity, and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), these diseases affect the quality of life. Among the many treatments available, Maha Shankha Vati is Ayurveda’s answer for gastric and colon issues. Let us learn more about this ayurvedic medicine for indigestion, rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.

Different Types of Digestive Disorders

One of the most common ailments in today’s society, digestive disorders consist of a broad range of gastric and colon issues like Gas, Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Flatulence, Belching, Abdominal pain, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, and IBS. The most common symptoms are mild discomfort and pain. But sometimes it can also escalate to severe pain, Diarrhea, etc. While their causes vary from imbalanced diet and infections to stress and other health conditions, they end up disrupting our daily lives when left unchecked. For example, IBS is currently a very prevalent condition. Its symptoms include Gas, Abdominal pain, Cramps, Bloating, Diarrhea Constipation, or both. Ayurveda has many herbs and medicines like Punarvasu’s Maha Shankha Vati that can work well in gastric and colon ailments and bring relief to patients.

What is Mahashankh Vati?

Punarvasu’s Maha Shankha Vati is an effective Ayurvedic medicine for gut health useful in various gastric and colon problems. It is made of several natural ingredients and minerals that promote digestive health and well-being. Whether it’s gastrointestinal issues or digestive disorders, this Vati provides lasting relief and is useful in gastric and colon care.

Ingredients Used

Maha Shankha Vati is a synergistic blend of various ingredients that come together to improve Digestion, reduce Acidity, relieve Gas and Bloating, and soothe the Gastrointestinal Tract. Here are the main ingredients that come together to make this powerful formulation:







Shankha Bhasma



Shuddha Gandhak

Shuddha Vatsanabha


Processed with:





Punarvasu’s Mahashankh Vati uses four out of the five types of lavana or salt. In Ayurveda, five types of salt are used for medicinal purposes. These salts are Sindhava, Sauvarchala, Bidlavan, Samudra, and Romaka lavana. They help the body retain water and keep a check on blood pressure levels. They also work as nerve stimulants and promote the proper functioning of various nerves and muscles. They are also useful for gastric troubles.


Hinga is a powerful, pungent spice with many medicinal properties. It is used in various Ayurvedic treatments. It increases Pitta dosha and pacifies Vata and Kapha doshas in the body. Hinga is used to cure various Intestinal problems, Flatulence, Upset Stomach, Worm Infestation and IBS. It is very useful in reducing Abdominal pain, stimulating Digestive Fire, reducing Inflammation, relieving Headaches, and stimulating the Nervous System. This powerful Antioxidant helps the pancreas to secrete more insulin and its Anticoagulant properties help reduce Blood Clotting and relieve High Blood Pressure levels.

Maricha and Pippali

Maricha and Pippali are part of Trikatu, a classic Ayurvedic formulation that is very useful in most Vata and Kapha ailments. Trikatu is a powerful digestive stimulant and is hence one of the main ingredients in Maha Shankha Vati. It helps break down food particles in the stomach and intestine, making it easy to digest food. It also helps in the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach which speeds up the digestive processes.

Shankha Bhasma

A popular remedy for doshas related to Vata and Pitta, Shankha Bhasma is made from Shankha or conch shells. It clears out toxins from the body and detoxifies the gut. Hence, it is quite popular ayurvedic medicine for Indigestion, Gastritis, Abdominal pain, Malabsorption Syndrome, and IBS. It also neutralizes acid in the stomach and intestine. This helps in reducing the burning sensation in the stomach and reduces acid reflux. This versatile medicine helps treat Diarrhea, cures Acidity, lowers Muscle Spasms, prevents Bloating and Flatulence, detoxifies the Liver, and is very helpful in relieving the symptoms of IBS.

Shuddha Gandhaka

Also known as purified sulfur, shuddha Gandhaka is useful in treating a lot of diseases. In Ayurveda, metals like sulfur are purified to reduce their toxicity and make them suitable for consumption. Shuddha Gandhaka is an effective Anti-ageing medicine with Antibacterial, Antibiotic, and antimicrobial properties. It is used for the treatment of various ailments including Chronic Fever, Diarrhea, Urinary Tract Infections, Malabsorption Syndrome, and Oligospermia.

Shuddha Vatsanabha

Vatsanabha is a variety of monkshood plant, also called Indian Aconite. Its roots are purified and used as medicine for a variety of ailments. This versatile medicine is used for Loss of Appetite, IBS, Poor Digestion, and Indigestion cure in Ayurveda. But it is also very effective in Fever, Chronic Fever, Cough, Common Cold, Asthma, Respiratory Infections, Inflammation, Diabetes, Rodent bite, Scorpion bite, and Snakebite.


Enriched with such powerful medicines and herbs, Maha Shankha Vati is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies for Heartburn, Digestive troubles, and Gut problems.

Benefits of Mahashankh Vati for Digestive Disorders

In Ayurveda, the belief is to treat an illness from its root. Punarvasu’s Maha Shankha Vati is a holistic approach to not just relieve the symptoms of gastrointestinal problems but also improve your digestive and gut health. This powerful Ayurvedic medicine is made up of quality ingredients that promote gut health by addressing digestive issues from the roots. This Vati has many benefits like treating digestive disorders, increasing the absorption of nutrients in the body, improving overall gut health, reducing Inflammation or Bloating in the gastrointestinal tract, and soothing the digestive system.

Usage Instructions

The recommended dosage of Maha Shankha Vati is 1 to 2 tablets taken with water, once or twice a day after meals. However, the appropriate dosage may change depending on your age, sex, and pre-existing health conditions. Those with any medical conditions should consult a doctor before using Maha Shankha Vati.


Drawing upon the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda, Punarvasu’s Maha Shankha Vati offers a holistic and natural alternative to managing digestive disorders and gut problems. It can soothe the gastrointestinal tract, reduce Gas and Acidity, and enhance the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. Its effectiveness in alleviating the symptoms of digestive disorders and IBS makes it a valuable medicine to add to your wellness regime. Embracing the potential of Ayurvedic medicine for Indigestion, Gas, and other Digestive disorders in modern health care, Maha Shankha Vati paves the way for a healthier body and mental wellness.