Madhumehari Churna

मधुमेहारी चूर्ण

From Rs. 100.00

Unit: Choose an option

100 gm
500 gm
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Ingredients :

  • Amalaki (Amla / आंवला)
  • Jambu Bija (जामुन के बीज)
  • Karvellak (करेला)
  • Mamejava (मामेजवा)
  • Haridra (हरिद्रा / हल्दी)
  • Lodhra (लोध्र)
  • Nimba (नीम)
  • Kariyatu (करियातु)
  • Kalijiri (कालीजीरी)
  • Methika (मेथी)
  • Guduchi (गिलोय)

Useful In :

  • Diabetes (मधुमेह)
  • Weakness (कमजोरी)
  • Burning of feet (पैरों में जलन)
  • Dry Mouth (मुँह सुखना)
  • Frequent Urination (बार बार पेशाब लगना)


Madhumehari Churna is a non-prescription Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes that is mainly used to treat high blood sugar levels, frequent urination, burning sensation in hands and feet, numbness, dry mouth, and general weakness. Many potent Madhumehari Churna ingredients like Jambu Bija, Karela, Neem, Giloy, etc. help regulate blood sugar in diabetes patients. Madhumehari churna benefits the body by improving digestion and metabolism, controlling sugar cravings, and reducing fat storage in the body, making it an ideal Ayurvedic medicine for sugar.

The appropriate dose of Madhumehari Churna depends on the patient’s age, sex, and previous health problems.

मधुमेहारी चूर्ण मधुमेह के लिए एक गैर-नुस्खे वाली आयुर्वेदिक दवा है जिसे मुख्य रूप से बढ़ती हुई ब्लड शुगर, बार-बार पेशाब लगना, हाथों और पैरों में जलन, हाथों-पैरों का सुन्न हो जाना, मुँह सूख जाना, और सामान्य कमजोरी जैसी समस्याओं का इलाज करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। मधुमेहारी चूर्ण में कई शक्तिशाली जड़ी-बूटियाँ हैं जैसे की जाम्बु बीज, करेला, नीम, गिलॉय, आदि जो मधुमेह के रोगियों में रक्त शर्करा को विनियमित करने में मदद करते हैं। यह चूर्ण पाचन और चयापचय में सुधार करता है और बार बार मीठा खाने की इच्छा और शरीर में जमा होते वसा को भी कम करता है। इसलिए यह मधुमेह और ब्लड शुगर से सम्बंधित बिमारियों के लिए एक आदर्श आयुर्वेदिक दवा है।

मधुमेहारी चूर्ण की उचित खुराक रोगी की उम्र, लिंग, और स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं पर निर्भर करती है।

Dose: 1 tablespoon powder twice or thrice a day with water.

Additional Information

100 gm, 500 gm

Cancellation Policy


Returns of any ordered product or replacement of the product is acceptable within 7 days of receipt of the product. However, returns are limited to following cases:

  1. Damaged or Defective products : If product is received in damaged condition or defective, immediately contact our Customer Care team at +91 94095 31500 or mail We will refund your payment or send a replacement product, depending on your preference after necessary verification. The contents of your shipment and the original packing must be returned along with damaged or defective products.
  2. Different Product Receipt: If product received is different than your ordered product, immediately contact our Customer Care team at +91 94095 31500 or We will refund your payment or send a replacement product, depending on your preference after necessary verification. The contents of your shipment and the original packing must be returned along with received product.
  3. No return or replacement claim will be entertained after 7 days from receipt of goods.


Cancellations are not allowed in any case. However, it is allowed only till the time product is not shipped from our warehouse. Please contact our Customer Care team immediately at +91 94095 31500 or to assist you in cancellation of the order.


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* Punarvasu reserves all rights to reject any refund claim(s) without assigning any reason.

Madhumehari Churna’sFAQs

Is this a herbal product?

Yes, this product is made with 100% natural ingredients. All the ingredients used in this product are purified and processed using traditional Ayurvedic methods.

Is it safe to take with other medication?

While this product is quite safe to consume even alongside other medications, it is still better to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before adding this medicine to your daily routine, especially if you’re suffering from any previous condition or disease.

Is it safe for everyone?

Yes, it is completely safe for all. However, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking this Ayurvedic medicine.

What is the use of madhumehari churna?

Madhumehari Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine used to manage diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels. It enhances insulin function, boosts glucose metabolism, reduces sugar cravings, and improves overall pancreatic health. It is also useful in preventing diabetic complications like burning sensation in hands and feet, numbness, frequent urination, general weakness, etc. 

What are the ingredients in diabetic Madhumehari Churna?

The potent Madhumehari Churna ingredients that help in diabetes management are Amala, Jambu Bija, Methi, Karela, Mamejava, Haridra, Lodhra, Neem, Kariyatu, Kalijiri, and Guduchi.

When to take madhumehari churna?

You can take 1 tablespoon of Madhumehari churna with lukewarm water twice or thrice a day, but it's best to take it half an hour before or after meals for best results.

Does Madhumehari Churna help cure diabetes?

Diabetes is a lifelong condition with no cure, but regular intake of Madhumehari Churna along with a nourishing diet, proper exercise, and balanced lifestyle can prevent diabetes in pre-diabetics and help diabetic patients to manage this condition effectively and live a normal and stress-free life.

What are the benefits of taking Madhumehari Churna regularly?

Punarvasu’s Madhumehari Churna helps control blood sugar levels to manage diabetes and other related symptoms. Here’s how Madhumehari Churna benefits the body:

  • It regulates blood sugar levels
  • It enhances insulin sensitivity
  • It helps improve digestion and metabolism
  • It supports pancreatic health
  • It reduces weakness and helps in maintaining high energy levels
  • It helps in weight management

How does Madhumehari Churna work in Diabetes?

Madhumehari Churna is one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes due to its effectiveness, versatility, and multifaceted approach to treatment. It helps balance the doshas, reduce blood sugar levels, increase insulin secretion, reduce sugar cravings, and boost metabolism. Thus, it helps deal with high blood sugar levels and other diabetes related symptoms like weakness, frequent urination, burning sensation in hands and feet, numbness, dry mouth, etc. 

Can non-diabetics take Madhumehari Churna?

Madhumehari Churna is often used in Ayurvedic treatments for diabetes to treat diabetes symptoms, and improve overall health. Even if you’re not a diabetic, but suffering from pre-diabetes or simply wanting to control your rising blood sugar levels, you can still take Madhumehari churna. However, it’s always good to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before adding this Ayurvedic medicine for sugar to your medical routine.

How long does it take to work?

Ayurvedic medicines for diabetes like Punarvasu’s Madhumehari Churna do not just help manage blood sugar levels, they address the root cause of diabetes by balancing the doshas, improving immunity, and boosting energy levels. Results may vary from person to person. However, if taken regularly along with a balanced lifestyle and proper diet and exercise, you may see improvements in blood sugar levels within a few weeks.

Can I take it for long-term?

Punarvasu’s Madhumehari churna uses the natural properties of beneficial herbs to regulate blood sugar levels, improve pancreatic functions, increase insulin secretion, and boost metabolism. Hence, it is safe to use even for a long duration. However, you should always consult an Ayurvedic expert before adding this medicine to your routine for a long term.

What is the right dosage of Madhumehari Churna?

You can take 1 tablespoon of Madhumehari Churna twice or thrice a day with lukewarm water or as directed by an Ayurvedic doctor. However, take this churna half an hour before or after meals for best results.