Maha Lakshamivilas Rasa

महा लक्ष्मीविलास रस

From Rs. 400.00

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Useful in

  • Cough
  • Acute or Chronic Cold
  • Tuberculosis (T.B.)
  • Rheumatism


  • 1 to 2 tablets once or twice a day

Categories: Swarna Yog

Mahalakshmi Vilas Rasa is a non-prescription Ayurvedic medicine mainly used for cough, cold, tuberculosis, rheumatism, asthma, skin diseases, sugar etc.

The appropriate dose of Mahalaxmi Vilas Rasa depends on the age, sex and previous health problems of the patient.

महालक्ष्मी विलास रस एक गैर-पर्चे आयुर्वेदिक दवा है जो मुख्य रूप से खांसी, सर्दी, तपेदिक, आमवात, दमा, चर्म रोग, शुगर आदि के लिए उपयोग की जाती है।

महालक्ष्मी विलास रस की उचित खुराक रोगी की उम्र, लिंग और पिछली स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं पर निर्भर करती है।

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10 Tab, 20 Tab, 50 Tab

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  1. Damaged or Defective products : If product is received in damaged condition or defective, immediately contact our Customer Care team at +91 94095 31500 or mail We will refund your payment or send a replacement product, depending on your preference after necessary verification. The contents of your shipment and the original packing must be returned along with damaged or defective products.
  2. Different Product Receipt: If product received is different than your ordered product, immediately contact our Customer Care team at +91 94095 31500 or We will refund your payment or send a replacement product, depending on your preference after necessary verification. The contents of your shipment and the original packing must be returned along with received product.
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* Punarvasu reserves all rights to reject any refund claim(s) without assigning any reason.

Suvarna Yukta Uses

A classical traditional formulation, Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta is an effective Ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold. It is useful in the respiratory, nervous, digestive system, and heart issues. Here are some of its common uses:

Problems of the Nervous System: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras is a herbo-mineral formulation that can help strengthen the nerves and boost the functioning of the nervous system. It is often used for the treatment of neurological disorders like epilepsy, paralysis, facial palsy, hemiplegia, etc.

Problems of the Respiratory System: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras contains many ingredients with bronchodilatory and expectorant properties. When combined, they can help clear the respiratory tract and relieve symptoms of distress. Hence, this formulation is used to treat respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, cough, and cold. 

Problems of the Digestive System:  

In digestive disorders like gastritis, indigestion, and abdominal pain, Maha Lakshmivilas Ras is considered an effective Ayurvedic treatment. It stimulates the Agni (digestive fire) and boosts the secretion of digestive juices which help in digestion.

Problems of the Heart: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta aids in managing heart problems like palpitations, angina, and hypertension. It contains ingredients that are good for heart health.

General Health Tonic: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta is useful as a general health tonic that nourishes the body and increases its natural resistance against diseases.

It is advisable to take Maha Lakshmivilas Ras only under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

Treatment of Cough and Chronic and Acute Cold

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras is a potent Ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold. The combination of herbs and minerals in this formulation can help relieve symptoms related to respiratory issues. Here’s how this Ayurvedic treatment of cough and chronic and acute cold works: 

Anti-inflammatory Properties: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Rasa Suvarna Yukta is useful in reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract resulting in relief from symptoms such as sore throat, nasal congestion, and irritated airways. 

Works as an Expectorant: 

Respiratory issues like coughing, nasal congestion, etc. often occur due to excess phlegm and mucus in the airways. Maha Lakshmivilas Ras removes the mucus and clears the tract to ease breathing difficulties.

Strengthens Immunity: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta boosts the body’s natural resistance against infections that cause cough and cold. It helps the body to become stronger and stop the disease from increasing or coming back.

Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties: 

Common respiratory issues like cough and cold often occur due to the pathogens in the body. Maha Lakshmivilas Rasa has antiviral and antibacterial properties which can help fight these pathogens, making it a powerful Ayurvedic medicine for dry cough and chronic cold.

Balancing Dosha: 

Respiratory disorders like cough and cold are often caused by an imbalance of the Vata and Kapha dosha. Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta is useful to balance these doshas, restoring harmony to the body and alleviating symptoms.

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta should be taken under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

Treatment of Rheumatism

Rheumatism is a condition where the joints, muscles, and connective tissues in the body go through pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Maha Lakshmivilas Ras is a potent Ayurvedic medicine for rheumatism. Here’s how it helps relieve rheumatism symptoms:

Anti-inflammatory Properties: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta has potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the affected joints and tissues. It reduces the pain and stiffness in the muscles. 

Reduces Pain: 

Rheumatism causes joint and muscle pain, making moving around pretty painful for the patients. Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta works as an analgesic that inhibits pain signals and helps patients move around without any issues.

Immunomodulatory Effects: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras is an immunomodulator. It can help alter the body’s immune response to autoimmune forms of rheumatism like rheumatoid arthritis. It modulates immune function, helps reduce the severity of the symptoms, and stops the condition from escalating.

Joint Rejuvenation: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras can help rejuvenate the joints and connective tissues. It can nourish the joints, make them more pliant, and improve overall joint health.

Balancing Dosha: 

Rheumatism (Amavata) causes an imbalance in the Vata dosha. Maha Lakshmivilas Ras balances Vata dosha. It helps bring relief to rheumatism symptoms and stops it from coming back. 

Maha Lakshmivilas Rasa Suvarna Yukta can be used under the supervision of a qualified doctor only. To treat Rheumatism take a holistic approach, including dietary and lifestyle modifications, along with other herbal remedies.

Treatment of Bronchitis

For respiratory issues like acute bronchitis, Ayurvedic treatment and medicines can help reduce swelling and irritation to bring lasting relief. Maha Lakshmivilas Ras is a potent Ayurvedic medicine for respiratory troubles like bronchitis, inflammation in the bronchial tubes, too much mucus, and breathing issues. Here's how it may help:

Anti-inflammatory Properties: 

Many ingredients in Maha Lakshmivilas Ras have anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, they can help reduce the swelling and irritation caused by inflammation in the bronchial tubes and make it easier to breathe.

Expectorant Action: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta acts as an expectorant, helping to thin and expel excess mucus from the respiratory tract. By promoting the removal of mucus, Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta can alleviate congestion and coughing associated with bronchitis.

Bronchodilator Effects: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta has bronchodilator properties, which means they help to widen the airways and improve airflow to the lungs. This can relieve breathing difficulties and chest tightness often experienced in bronchitis.

Immune Support: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta may also support the immune system's response to respiratory infections, helping the body fight off the underlying pathogens causing bronchitis.

Antimicrobial Action: 

Maha Lakshmivilas Ras Suvarna Yukta has antimicrobial properties, which can help combat bacterial or viral infections that may contribute to bronchitis.

Maha Lakshmivilas Rasa Suvarna Yukta can be used under the supervision of a qualified doctor only. To treat Rheumatism take a holistic approach, including dietary and lifestyle modifications, along with other herbal remedies.


Is this a herbal product?

Yes, this product is made with 100% natural ingredients. All the ingredients used in this product are purified and processed using traditional Ayurvedic methods.

Is it safe to take with other medication?

While this product is quite safe to consume even alongside other medications, it is still better to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before adding this medicine to your daily routine, especially if you’re suffering from any previous condition or disease.

Is it safe for everyone?

Yes, it is completely safe for all. However, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking this Ayurvedic medicine.