Phala Ghrit

फल धृत

From Rs. 270.00

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100 gm
200 gm
500 gm
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  • Go Ghrita (गाय का घी)
  • Godugdha (गाय का दूध)
  • Manjishtha (मंजिष्ठा / मजीठ)
  • Eranda (अरंडी)
  • Tagar (तगर)
  • Haritaki (हरड़)
  • Bibhitak (बहेड़ा)
  • Amalaki (आंवला)
  • Sharkara (शर्करा)
  • Vacha (वचा)
  • Haridra (हरिद्रा / हल्दी)
  • Daruharidra (दारुहरिद्रा)
  • Ajamo (अजवाइन)
  • Katuki (कटुकी)
  • Vidarikand (विदारीकंद)
  • Hingu (हिंग)
  • Ashwagandha (अश्वगंधा)
  • Shatavari (शतावरी)

Useful In:

  • Gynecological problems (स्त्री रोग संबंधी समस्याएं)
  • Hormone fluctuations (हार्मोन में उतार-चढ़ाव)
  • Very useful for nourishment of Foetus and mother in Pregnant women (गर्भवती महिलाओं में भ्रूण और मां के पोषण के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है)
  • Sterility (बाँझपन)
  • Habitual Abortion (बार बार गर्भपात)


Phal Ghrita is a non-prescription Ayurvedic medicine that is mainly useful in Sterility, Gynecological problems, hormone fluctuations, habitual abortion, etc. It is very useful for the nourishment of Foetus and mother in Pregnant women, etc.

The appropriate dose of Phal Ghrita depends on the patient’s age, sex, and previous health problems.

फल घृत एक गैर-प्रिस्क्रिप्शन आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जो मुख्य रूप से बाँझपन, स्त्री रोग संबंधी समस्याओं, हार्मोन के उतार-चढ़ाव, बार बार गर्भपात आदि में उपयोगी है। यह औषधि गर्भवती महिलाओं में भ्रूण और माँ के पोषण के लिए भी बहुत उपयोगी है।

फल घृत की उचित खुराक रोगी की उम्र, लिंग और पिछली स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं पर निर्भर करती है।

Reference: Ayurvedic Formulary Of India

Dose: 1 to 2 Tablespoons twice or thrice a day

Additional Information

100 gm, 200 gm, 500 gm

Cancellation Policy


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  1. Damaged or Defective products : If product is received in damaged condition or defective, immediately contact our Customer Care team at +91 94095 31500 or mail We will refund your payment or send a replacement product, depending on your preference after necessary verification. The contents of your shipment and the original packing must be returned along with damaged or defective products.
  2. Different Product Receipt: If product received is different than your ordered product, immediately contact our Customer Care team at +91 94095 31500 or We will refund your payment or send a replacement product, depending on your preference after necessary verification. The contents of your shipment and the original packing must be returned along with received product.
  3. No return or replacement claim will be entertained after 7 days from receipt of goods.


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* Punarvasu reserves all rights to reject any refund claim(s) without assigning any reason.

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Phal Ghrita FAQs

What is Phala Ghrita?

One of the best Ayurvedic medicines for hormonal imbalance, Phala Ghrita is a classical Ayurvedic medicated ghee made with potent herbs and cow’s ghee. It is a powerful formulation that can help improve female fertility and support female reproductive health. 

What are the main benefits of Phal Ghrit?

The main Phal Ghrit benefits are:

  • It helps regulate the menstrual cycle and supports healthy ovulation 
  • It can help manage infertility issues in women 
  • It can strengthen the uterus and reproductive organs 
  • Helps promote hormonal balance

How to take Phal Ghrit?

Phal Ghrit can be taken orally, about 1 to 2 Tablespoons twice or thrice a day with warm milk or lukewarm water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Who should use Phal Ghrita?

Phal Ghrit is ideal for women dealing with irregular periods, trying to get pregnant, going through hormonal imbalances, or suffering from other issues related to menstruation. Women with uterine weakness can also take this medicine if advised by an Ayurvedic doctor.

What is the difference between ghee and ghrita?

Ghee is clarified butter made by heating butter to remove water and milk solids. It has great nutritional value and can have great health benefits. Ghrita, on the other hand, is a form of medicated ghee infused with Ayurvedic herbs. It has great medicinal value and is often used in Ayurvedic treatments. Ghrita is a very effective form of medicine as the body can easily absorb it and shows effects faster.

Can we take Phal Ghrit during pregnancy?

Yes! Phala Ghrita is considered one of the best medicines in Ayurveda for pregnant women. It can be very helpful in providing the required nourishment to the foetus and the mother during pregnancy. It can also help tone and nourish the uterus and strengthen the reproductive organs, which can help protect the foetus in pregnancy.

Does it help with PCOS/PCOD?

Phala Ghrita can help maintain hormonal balance and regulate the ovulation and menstrual cycles, making it helpful in supporting the treatment of PCOS/PCOD.

Can it help regulate periods?

Yes, Phala ghrita can help the growth and development of the ovarian follicles, maintain healthy estrogen and progesterone levels naturally, strengthen and nourish the uterine muscles, reduce cramps, and ease PMS symptoms, which can help regulate the menstrual cycle.  

Is it helpful in female infertility?

Ayurvedic treatments often use Phal Ghrit for infertility and reproductive health issues in women. It can help balance hormones naturally, strengthen the uterus and reproductive organs, improve egg quality and ovulation, regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce stress and improve emotional health. Phal Ghrit is specifically formulated to enhance female reproductive health and deal with female infertility issues.

Is this a herbal product?

Yes, this product is made with 100% natural ingredients. All the ingredients used in this product are purified and processed using traditional Ayurvedic methods.

Is it safe to take with other medication?

While this product is quite safe to consume even alongside other medications, it is still better to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before adding this medicine to your daily routine, especially if you’re suffering from any previous condition or disease.

Is it safe for everyone?

Yes, it is completely safe for all. However, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking this Ayurvedic medicine.