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Leuc Capsule
Rs. 150.00 – Rs. 2,400.00
Useful in
Whitish or Yellowish Vaginal Discharge
1 to 2 capsules once or twice a day with water
Leuc Syrup
Rs. 150.00
Useful in
Whitish or Yellowish Vaginal Discharge
1 to 2 Tablespoon twice or thrice a day
Lodhra Churna
Rs. 95.00 – Rs. 430.00
Useful in
Bleeding Piles
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
1 teaspoon once or twice a day with water
Madhumehari Churna
Rs. 100.00 – Rs. 475.00
Ingredients : Amalaki (Amla / आंवला) Jambu Bija (जामुन के बीज) Karvellak (करेला) Mamejava (मामेजवा) Haridra (हरिद्रा / हल्दी) Lodhra (लोध्र) Nimba (नीम) Kariyatu (करियातु) Kalijiri (कालीजीरी) Methika (मेथी) Guduchi...
Maha Lakshamivilas Rasa
Rs. 400.00 – Rs. 1,950.00
Useful in
Acute or Chronic Cold
Tuberculosis (T.B.)
1 to 2 tablets once or twice a day
Maha Rasnadi Ghanvati
Rs. 150.00 – Rs. 1,900.00
Useful in Rheumatoid Arthritis Paralysis Osteoarthritis Joint Stiffness Muscle spasm Low backache Bursitis Stiffness and pain in the neck or back Loss of mobility in the spine Inability to twist...
Maha Rasnadi Kwatha
Rs. 120.00 – Rs. 275.00
Useful in Rheumatoid Arthritis Paralysis Osteoarthritis Joint Stiffness Muscle Spasm Low Backache Bursitis Stiffness and pain in the neck or back Loss of mobility in the spine Inability to twist...
Maha Rasnadi Kwatha
Rs. 140.00 – Rs. 290.00
Useful in Rheumatoid Arthritis Paralysis Osteoarthritis Joint Stiffness Muscle Spasm Low Backache Bursitis Stiffness and pain in the neck or back Loss of mobility in the spine Inability to twist...
Maha Shankhvati
Rs. 170.00 – Rs. 1,650.00
Useful in Gas Hyper Acidity Indigestion Regurgitation Heart Burn Loss Of Appetite Belching Abdominal Pain Heaviness In Abdomen Dose 1 to 2 Tablets Once or Twice a day after meals...
Maha Sudarshan Ghanvati
Rs. 80.00 – Rs. 1,900.00
Useful in
All types of Fever
Body Pain
Sun stroke
2 to 4 Tablets twice or thrice a day with water
Maha Vatvidhvansan Rasa
Rs. 150.00 – Rs. 3,500.00
Useful in
Neurological System Care
2 to 4 Tablets once or twice a day with water
Maha Yograj Guggulu
Rs. 400.00 – Rs. 1,950.00
Useful in Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis Inflammatory Arthritis Joint pain Muscular pain Gout Frozen Shoulders Sciatica Lumbago Spondylitis Swollen joints Stiffness of Joint Muscle stiffness Dose 1 to 2 tablets once...